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General Rules

  • 80% attendance is compulsory to appear for the Annual/Board Examinations. One must not remain absent from any examination except when prevented by reason of health in which case a medical certificate must be submitted
  • In each semester Formative and Summative Assessment method suggested by the government will be the criteria adopted by the school.
  • Any kind of malpractice in the examination is liable for action with expulsion from the examination hall and subsequent cancellation of the paper or the whole examination.
  • Examination cannot be deferred nor can they be anticipated to suit individual convenience. No re-examination will be conducted in any subject. Absence from or failure in a subject excludes a student from being reckoned in the order of merit.
  • Parents are welcome to consult the subject teachers to make out the defects and common mistakes committed by their children in the answer sheet by going through them within two weeks of sending the results of the two semester examinations to them in the Handbook.
  • For Primary Section Physical Education, Value Education, G.K., Music, Drawing and Computer Science marks are not counted for rank in the Annual Exam.
  • The result of the Academic year shall be collected from the respective class teachers at the end of the year. Promotion is given to pupils as per the norms and rules set by the government time to time. copyright@2024 all Rights Reserved