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Parents' Meeting

St. Mary’s School, Rajkot, began the academic year with a series of informative Parent Orientation Programmes tailored by experienced faculty members. These sessions were designed to familiarize both students and parents with the school's new learning environment, policies, procedures, and expectations, ensuring a smooth transition into the academic year. Each orientation programme provided comprehensive details, including the academic calendar featuring terminal exams, unit tests, and marking systems, as well as insights into extracurricular activities, the code of conduct, disciplinary measures, examination paper styles, career guidance, and upcoming entrance exams for higher secondary education. The sessions concluded with interactive question-answer rounds, addressing parents’ queries, and soliciting their support for their children's educational journey. St. Mary’s School reaffirmed its commitment to fostering a collaborative partnership between parents and educators, aiming to nurture the holistic development and academic success of every student.

Toppers Honoured

The St. Mary’s School community gathered with enthusiasm on Saturday, July 13th, 2024, to witness the Investiture Ceremony and honour the exceptional achievers of the Board Exams of 2023-24. The distinguished presence of Sree R.B. Zala, Dy.S.P. Vigilance, added prestige to the occasion as he presided over the ceremony. Highlighting the event were the heartfelt acknowledgments bestowed upon the Board Toppers and Class Toppers of the previous academic year. These outstanding individuals were presented with mementos in recognition of their remarkable academic accomplishments and dedication.

Investiture Ceremony

The St. Mary’s School community gathered with enthusiasm on Saturday, July 13th, 2024, to witness the Investiture Ceremony and honour the exceptional achievers of the Board Exams of 2023-24. The distinguished presence of Sree R.B. Zala, Dy.S.P. Vigilance, added prestige to the occasion as he presided over the ceremony.

In a symbolic gesture of leadership and responsibility, the chief guest vested badges and entrusted responsibilities upon the House In charges, General Captains, House Captains, and Vice Captains. During his motivational address, the chief guest emphasized the core values of hard work, sincerity, and pursuing personal aspirations as pathways to success. His words resonated deeply, inspiring students to uphold these virtues in their academic pursuits and beyond. The Investiture Ceremony and felicitating the toppers exemplified our commitment to nurturing leadership and academic excellence among our students. 

International Yoga Day

St. Mary’s School, Rajkot, enthusiastically joined the nation in celebrating International Yoga Day on June 21st. A significant number of staff and students participated in an early morning yoga session held at 6:30 AM. The event aimed to promote physical and mental well-being through the practice of yoga. Students showcased their dedication and enthusiasm by demonstrating various yoga postures and techniques during the session. The participation highlighted the school’s commitment to fostering a healthy lifestyle and promoting the benefits of yoga among its community. The event not only encouraged physical fitness but also emphasized the importance of mindfulness and holistic well-being, reflecting St. Mary’s School’s holistic approach to education.

Prayer Day

Saint Mary’s School, Rajkot, commenced the academic year 2024-25 with a solemn prayer service held on June 13, 2024. Students, teachers, and staff congregated to seek blessings and guidance from the Almighty for a successful and enriching year ahead. The prayer service featured readings, hymns, and reflective moments, fostering a sense of unity and purpose within the school community. It was a meaningful start, emphasizing spiritual growth and collective unity as everyone embarked on the new academic journey together. The event underscored Saint Mary’s School’s commitment to nurturing not only academic excellence but also spiritual and moral development among its students, creating a supportive environment conducive to holistic education.

Elevating Educators

Saint Mary’s School continues to prioritize professional development as a cornerstone of its educational philosophy, ensuring that educators remain at the forefront of educational innovation. Justifying the same, the school launched the academic year 2024-25 with a robust two-day teacher training programme on June 11th and 12th, 2024. The programme aimed at enhancing instructional skills and pedagogical techniques among educators, emphasizing the integration of technology, innovative teaching strategies, and the creation of an inclusive learning environment.

Led by seasoned educator Mr. Dixon Samuel, the sessions were interactive and enriching, providing valuable insights and practical knowledge to the teaching staff. This initiative not only focused on improving teaching efficacy but also aimed to uphold the school’s commitment to delivering the highest quality education to its students. copyright@2024 all Rights Reserved